Why Support
The Artesia
Strengthen Our Economy Initiative?

California is already one of the most expensive places to live in the United States. Artesia residents do NOT need another tax increase on everyday items, like gas and other essentials, to make life more difficult.

The Artesia No New Taxes, Strengthen our Economy Initiative enables us to make the former Dairy Plant into a shopping center, which will generate much needed revenue for the City of Artesia and bring jobs to our community.

Together, Let’s Strengthen our Economy.

  • 1. Generate more revenue for Artesia.

    By attracting new stores, shops and restaurants into a new shopping center at the former Dairy Plant, we can grow the local economy, provide jobs for the residents of Artesia and increase city revenues from the sales generated on the increased volume of business in Artesia.

  • 2. Attract quality restaurants and shopping.

    The Initiative will enable the city to attract a new shopping center with top-of-the-line shops, restaurants and businesses. This will provide high-quality shopping for Artesia residents and healthy food options.

  • 3. Create jobs for the residents of Artesia.

    The initiative will enable the economic base of Artesia to grow, generating jobs for the residents of Artesia and more revenue for the city. This sales revenue will inject much needed capital into the City of Artesia, funding the deficit without raising taxes on Artesia families and individuals.

  • 4. Build a dynamic retail center on the now vacant former Dairy Plant site.

    The Dairy Plant closed several years ago and that property is now vacant. It is more than 3 acres and is perfectly located on a major thoroughfare (Artesia Blvd.) for a new shopping center.

  • 5. Stop the City Manager from raising our taxes.

    Last year, the Artesia City Manager stated the city would be seeking a tax increase to meet a projected deficit. Since then, the City Manager, with the approval of the City Council, used more than $129,000 of taxpayer funds to hire a polling and public relations firm to figure out how to raise taxes.